Sunday, April 19, 2009

Susan Boyle

I have been really encouraged by her spirit. It was an awesome performance by her
Cynical world has it all to doubt you but you proved to the world you ought to be praised for your amazing performance.

Friends do watch this encouraging performance from any of the below links 

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Nothing but a memory........

Time tells it all 
From the beginning until present

If happiness is something we are longing for, then this certainly is not what we wanted

Growing & Living should be happyly fruitful and without any desperation
If miserary has grown. Stress has been constantly there, steps have to be taken to end this.

Nothing but a memory.......

When consideration,patience and understanding have been put to its extreme limit, does Love still exist?

1st Cor 13 say Love is patience, Love is kind.....

Looks like someone has misues these verses to keep on compromising on the things he should not compromise anymore

Nobleness might take its place to claim this Love is patience, Love is kind.

Nothing but a memorys......

I used to smile out loud whole heartedly
Now I just act like a shell

Passion is gone
Feeling is gone

I do not want to grumble and be in pathetic stage
I do not want to give pressure and letting my closest one suffer
I do not want to be obsessive
I do not want to be unhappy and in miserable stage
I do not want to keep compromising for the sake of my consideration,patience and understanding

I do want to be who I am 
I do want to share and influence ppl to have lead a life that is full of hope and faith
I do want to be full of dreams and put words into actions
I do want to be happy 
I do want to see the one that close to me to find their happiness instead of suffer because of my character....

Nothing but a memory.......

When Love is gone
I do remember to give blessings rather than finger pointing 

When Love persist 
I do remember to cherish what I had

When passion is gone
I do remember to gain it back

But when a  heart is tired 
I do see a need to take a break

Nothing but a memory  ............