Sunday, November 30, 2008

What kind of life you want?

What kind of life we really want???

I come across this question in mind after I was being asked by our church pastor, do we just want to settle for life? A life with a nice job,nice salary,grand car, fabulous house,pretty wife and handsome husband,happy family,owning status in society etc seems like become the major dreams of most of the people in this world, simple, relax and wonderful........

If you would to ask me Andrew, aren't this what you dream of??? Frankly speaking, if you would to ask me 3 years ago, I will definitely tell you, Yes, definitely this what I would aim and go for it. Today if you would to ask me this I will still tell you I would like to have a wonderful life with some of the examples stating above. But, recently, it comes to my mind, is that all Andrew? Is that all you would like to do?Where is your love, your care to the society?Besides planing to climd up the corporate ladder, what else you can do Andrew? Are you that busy to think of helping others?

I was pondering, hey Andrew life is not just about having a nice girlfriend or nice wife, life is not just about you hide in your rooms watching series non-stop or playing computer games ceaselessly, life is not just about go shopping,watching movies in the cinema, life is not just about going for your dreams, life is not just about having fun and stay happy.................

Too many times, we just want a settled life that we can enjoy to the most. I was wondering if we keep on carrying this kind of mindset, what are the furute country or even the world is heading?! 

With economy turmoil continue its widespread effect in the world, are there something we could do besides worrying? Come on my dear young generation, look around you, there are so much more you could do. 

You must be wondering, what la this Andrew suddenly say this kind of stuff.......

I have come across this after I have participated in a small community project with my church cell groups to show a little of our care and love to those unfortunate children in the community. Showing your love and care to the society won't cost you much. Some times, you just need a will.

Dedicated to the people whom I love. If you think you are more than able to lend a hand in this society, please do not hesitate to do so, because your society needs you badly.........

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Hari Raya Puasa Gathering

Haha....sorry late only put up the photos!!!

These few friends are those who had accompanied me to go through my MIS life with lots of fun and challenges.

I would not forget those sweet memories we had to burn the midnight oil together in preparing our semester basis examinations.

Nasi Lemak Bangsar.....Deepavali lunches......Aidifitri Kuih Muih.....Chinese Oranges, all this put aside those complicated racial and political issues happen in our country.I really cherish to have you all as my friends.

Finally I would like to wish you all to stay healthy and fresh in facing challenges in life.Gambakteh, specially dedicated to MIS gang.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


本想说, 我的部落格应该写些比较正面的事务。但今天的这一则新闻真的让人快乐不起来。

1。 哈林婚变事件

漫天的話語 紛亂落在耳際 你我沉默不回應 
牽你的手 你卻哭紅了眼睛 路途漫長無止盡 
多想提起勇氣 好好的呵護你 不讓你受委屈 
苦也願意  那些痛的記憶 落在春的泥土裡 
滋養了大地 開出下一個花季 
風中你的淚滴 滴滴落在回憶裡 讓我們取名叫做珍惜  
迷霧散盡 一切終於變清晰 愛與痛都成回憶 
遺忘過去 繁花燦爛在天際 等待已有了結局 
我會提起勇氣 好好地呵護你 不讓你受委屈 苦也願意  
那些痛的記憶 落在春的泥土裡 滋養了大地 開出下一個花季 
風中你的淚滴 滴滴落在回憶裡 讓我們取名叫做珍惜  
漫天紛飛的花語 落在春的泥土裡 滋養了大地 開出下一個花季 
風中你的淚滴 滴滴落在回憶裡 讓我們取名叫做珍惜  
那些痛的記憶 落在春的泥土裡 滋養了大地 開出下一個花季 
風中你的淚滴 滴滴落在回憶裡 
讓我們取名叫做珍惜  讓我們懂得學會珍惜......


Sunday, November 2, 2008

What is Unequally Yoked?

I did ponder about the above mentioned question.

Sound so hard to understand......
Below is the links for those who would like to find out more