Thursday, December 18, 2008

Rainy Day

It rains, when nothing seem fresh

It rains, when the land is too dry to blossom

It rains, when there is this hunger in mankind that is thirsty for the rain drops.

It rains, when you know no matter what you do does not turn out to be the things you expected

It rains, when you don't even know when you will go through the rain

It rains, even though you know one day you will go through the rain, uncertianty continues to strike

It rains, even tough you are confident and believe through the rain, you will welcome rainbow, you have no liberty in time

It rains, when your passion and determination has eventually evaporated by time

It rains, when your hope become as fragile as a glass

It rains, when the faith in you has been weaken

It rains, when you see the sky that is full of stars but you dont see brightness by looking at it with your own eyes....................


Unknown said...

It shines, when the downpour is over
It shines, when the land is drenched by the heavy rain
It shines, when bud blossoms from the land
It shines, when the flower blooms to you
It shines, when the evaporated passion and determination undergo condensation after time
It shines, when you untiringly pick up the broken hopes and resemble it again
It shines, when the moon showers its radiance on you
It shines, everytime you smile, even just for a while
It shines, when you pick the flower up and smell its scent after working so hard in the rain
It shines, when you know that even though it might be fruitless, but there will always be sweet fragrance of green grass around you, regardless of rain

Andrew's Wonderland said...

Thank You so much my dearest bro...
You indeed can write a good poem too :P

All the best to you
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you

Anonymous said...

Since gan wrote out this nice poem, Andrew, y not post it in your page? Hehe.. :P

johnsoncn005 said...

Hi, just got to your blog... nice sia...